Lead yourself into the future day!

Hi Readers!

Last week the grade 6’s went to our hall for a leadership day. One of the most challenging and fun activities was a planking contest. A plank is when you go onto your lower arms, hands and toes then hold the position like a flat bridge shape for as long as you can. To make it a team challenge, we made it so that we had to have at least 60% of the group planking at any time. We made it work by communicating with the team saying when we needed to stop and encourage someone else to plank while the other recovered.

I learnt that everybody has different abilities in planking. That I did more for others because I plank a few times a week at swimming. People asked me and other group members to help and I said “sure” and in return I also got to rest and recover as well. I learnt that I’m quite strong and can be helpful to others in my team this way.

This activity was fun because we celebrated coming in the top 5 with icy poles! This shows how important cooperation and communication are for leadership.

What leadership activity’s have you done before?